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Thank you for doing this interview, but I still don't trust this guy. His career is political gig-work: He works on different campaigns and for different political organizations. It's how he makes his living. That's fine, but he was also fine with Marianne Williamson, who is every bit as much of a war hawk as is Joe Biden. Not to mention a grifter in her own right.

Throw in the fact that he's Lebanese, and that makes me wonder about his foreign policy positions. He was Maronite Christian, and fought with the Phalangists, allies of Israel. Zbigniew Brzezinski was a Polish Russophobe, Madeline Albright was a Czech Russophobe. I can't help but think that their foreign policy positions were not based on what was best for America, but on what was best for what they considered their mother countries.

In light of Cornel West's position on the Middle East, I can't help but wonder what he was thinking when he went along with hiring Daou, or how he can believe this person, or if it even matters to him.

I do not trust Peter Daou, and no longer trust Cornel West, either.

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